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Double shutter

The double shutter feature offers a unique way to radically prevent introduction of Gas, Solid Explosive materials or cash trapping in the safe.


Prevents the insertion of Gas, explosives and cash trapping into the ATM



The device is synchronized to the shutter and in case of illegal opening or breaking of the shutter, the guillotine blade remains blocked in its closed position. The entire device is non-removable, non-extractable thanks to its robust anchorage inside the safe.



Multi ATM vendor compatibility. The device is developed with manufactures of Diebold. Wincor Nixdorf and NCR.


Protected from compromise

Non removable, Non-extractable. The entire device is non-removable, non-extractable thanks to its robust anchorage inside the safe. Drop-lock security system installed directly at the opening of the money transfer area outside ATM safe.


Proven solution

Effective and proven solution.  Secure technology preventing crime.


Instalation and maintenance

The device is specifically designed for each ATM model. Low maintenance costs. Easy to install



No change in the operating process


Mobile barrier

Mobile barrier synchronized with frontal shutter opening/closure to block introduction of foreign objects like solid explosive, gas inflating pipes and triggers into ATM safe during banknotes transit.


Artificial intelligence

Equipped with intelligent electronic board. Equipped with sensors able to detect forcing attacks to frontal shutter and to close drop-lock barrier in closed position to inhibit access to ATM safe. Programmable time slots.


Testing & Certification

During the development of the Double shutter there were conducted extensive testing, both on-site as in ballistic arenas. Naturally, the Double shutter is EMC and VdS approved and all components have the CE conformity marking.

Time window of protection

Double shutter offers unlimited time protection