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Night safe

Eurosecurity offers a night safe for European manufacturer Robur Safe AB. Night safe Grade IV is certified by SBSC and ECB according to the European standard EN 1143-2

Why Night Safe?

Large shopping centers, malls and retail outlets attract tens of thousands of customers every day. Every retailer collects large amounts of money every day from the sale of various products. These funds are collected by CIT companies. Armed company employees traverse each outlet and in about 2 to 3 hours manage to collect money from each store in unsecured bags. During these several hours, the employees of the CIT company attract the interest of the criminals because of the large amount of money that they are carrying unsecured.

Lack of law

Collecting companies (CIT) do not invest in products dedicated to the secure cash transportation by ink staining due to lack of an established legal framework for this process. The purpose of ink staining products is to discourage attempted robberies by eliminating the value of their target (money). Cash-in-Transit containers offer the highest level of cash neutralization. These kind of products eliminate pavement risk by CIT (End to End, Cross pavement) for the protection of both valuables and staff during transport and all the clients of shopping centers.

In the situation of armed robberies of CIT, there is possibility for loss of large amounts of money. One major factor in this is the lack of a cohesive law in Bulgaria and others countries, which are not synchronized with EU laws. The laws regulates the way in which the collected amounts can be transferred safely. In Europe, cash is only transported with products that have opportunity for cash neutralization in case of robbery. Therefore, unsuspecting customers of shopping centers in Bulgaria are at constant risk of falling into the wrong place of armed robbery.



The night-safe has been used for more than 10 years in European countries. Merchants in large shopping malls deposit their own turnover by collecting barcode envelopes in night safes. They are not restricted, either by deciding when to deposit, or having to wait in big queue at the bank branch to deposit, or write import notes. The main goal is to make it as easy as possible for merchants approved by banks for night safe customers. If a deposit is successfully made, the merchant immediately receives the amounts declared on the night safe into his company’s account.


Banks participating in the Night Safe project will attract increased customers from all merchants of major shopping centers (Malls) as well as more individuals employed by these merchants or counterparties. Each client of night-safe goes through a bank approval process. Approved merchants will use the entire network of night safes nationwide. Banks will be able to relieve staff from daily deposits of turnover from retail outlets and repurpose their  attention towards new customers.

Identifying a Merchant


The night safe comes in four different sizes with different identification options. When depositing an envelope, the merchant identifies himself / herself by the barcode of the envelope that is being deposited, enters a personal identification number (PIN code) and an RFID card. After successful identification, the drawer of the night safe is released to deposit the envelope. With each deposit, the merchant receives a note with full information, SMS or email.

There is an opportunity to receive and summarize the deposits made, both to the bank and the collection company (CIT), and to the clients. Features include IP connection of the night safe for constant monitoring of the deposit availability and the number of deposits. The night safe is equipped with an internal and external bar code reader, which ensures proper registration of deposits. Upon deposit by a registered client, the bank and the collection company receive information about the deposit made. At that moment, the client receives a transfer from the bank for the declared amount of the deposit. For merchants, the process can become significantly cheaper.

Collection companies (CIT)


The collection company can schedule the visits for the collection of the night safe in each shopping center and achieve maximum efficiency. The night safes have software for monitoring the amount of money for each night safe. The collection company has the opportunity, at any time, on a schedule independent of the opening hours of the outlets, even with just one collection car with three employees, to collect the turnover of all major shopping centers in a city. This results in compensation savings for employees of collection companies, but mostly makes shopping centers more secure. Collecting at a night safe can be outside the operating hours of the malls. The night safe can be collected within 15 to 20 minutes.

Income for collection companies from 3 sample shopping centers:

Shopping center Cost per day of retail outlet collection without night safe If  a night safe is available and the merchant is not a customer of the bank With a night safe and the merchant is a customer of the bank Number of retail outlets Collection fee per day Revenue on an annual basis in EUR
The Mall 7.5 6 5 286 1430 514800
Paradice center 7.5 6 5 338 1690 608400
Sedika Center 7.5 6 5 216 1080 388800
Total income in EUR € 1 512 000


Costs of collection companies

Shopping center Number of night safes Collection costs per day Gross salaries of collection staff Expenditure for the collection company per employee Payroll costs per employee per 1 collection team per month Costs for the collection team on an annual basis
The Mall 2 15 562.42 668.83 2006.49 29477.92
Paradice center 3 22.5 562.42 668.83 2006.49 32177.92
Serdika Center 2 15 562.42 668.83 2006.49 29477.92
Total costs in EUR € 91 133.76

The table does not include:

  • collection costs of the collection vehicle – / they are of zero added value due to the need for the collection team to visit the bank office every business day for the shopping center /
  • census costs;
  • transaction costs;
  • the cost of collecting envelopes /0.10 – 0.50 BGN /

*** The salary cost for the staff of the collection team is still present due to the need to collect the branch network of the bank.

Customers of Shopping center


Our goal is to make customers feel at ease in a safe environment protected from armed robberies.

The night safe is designed to meet today’s requirements for this type of product. It can be equipped with barcode readers (internal and external) for logging, IP connection allowing remote control, touch screen, receipt functionality, communications and barcode reader for collection and more.


The Night safe is equipped with a grill gate that prevents access of the deposits after blasting from inside the service box. The front is vandal-proof and weather resistant for outdoor use.


With its modern and stylish design, it successfully fits into urban areas and shopping centers: